Viano Autumn Lawn Treatment - Organic Spreadable Fertiliser & Moss Killer

• Helps grass recover in autumn & improves winter conditioning • Greens, thickens and strengthens lawns • Improves nutrient uptake in stressed conditions • Stimulates stronger roots • Destroys moss by indirect action • Organic and safe for children and pets • Two bag sizes treat from 100-200 sq metres of lawn • For use from August-November
Autumn Lawn Treatment is a 100% ORGANIC long lasting fertiliser - with added Humifirst - from industry leaders Viano. Autumn Lawn Treatment stimulates root growth and prepares your grass against adverse conditions such as stress, waterlogging, snow or scarification, giving your lawn the best care over autumn and winter and the best start to spring. Autumn Lawn Treatment comes in granular form and can be applied using a wheeled spreader or by hand. This is also an ideal treatment for controlling moss during the latter part of the year as it contains a high potash content, ensuring moss dies by indirect action. Added Magnesium strengthens grass and ensures a strong green colour to your lawn. Available in two bag sizes - 5kg to treat up to 100 sq metres of lawn and 10kg to treat up to 200 sq metres. 
Autumn Lawn Feed is ideal for application in colder periods, starting from autumn and into early winter (for best results, apply from August to November). Application of this fertiliser results in a stronger turf with better condition for next spring. With the presence of Humifirst (humic acids) the uptake of the nutrients is optimized. This results in an increased efficiency of the fertiliser due to a better root development. 
Listing Options 
1. 10kg bag of Autumn Lawn Treatment (comes in its original branded bag) 
2. 5kg bag of Autumn Lawn Treatment (decanted from original branded bag in controlled conditions into clear unbranded bags. Guaranteed 100% genuine Autumn Lawn Treatment.) 
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